Our Equipment
80-23517 (Maggie) AH-1, Helicopter, Attack, Cobra. Desert Storm and Grenada with the Marines. Painted by Dru Blair and some of our volunteers. She has flown to several schools as a part of our STEM Education Outreach Program school visits. Maggie has made appearances in many airshows and other special events. Named after Martha Raye.
68-15352 (Lena) AH-1, Helicopter, Attack, Cobra . Vietnam, Desert Storm and Bosnia. Lena is our traveling helicopter that goes on the School STEM Education Outreach Program visits. Students at Applied Technology Education Campus (ATEC) in Camden, SC used their Cate, Steam skills to design and paint this current paint scheme. Named after Lena Horne.
76-22567 (Kimberly) AH-1, Helicopter, Attack, Cobra. Desert Storm. She is named “Kimberly” honoring US Army Captain Kimberly Hampton who was the first female pilot killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
This is our main transport hauler for our helicopter that travels throughout the Southeast for the STEM Education Outreach Program, Airshows, Parades and special events.
The Beast (STEM Truck)
67-15520 (Annie) AH-1, Helicopter, Attack, Cobra. serviced with honors with the 20th ARA 1st Cavalry Division in Vietnam and Desert Storm. She is currently being refitted for future STEM Education Outreach Program visits. Annie is named after Anne Margaret.
73-21685 (Kathi) UH-1H Huey Helicopter - The Foundations historic U.S. Army UH-1H Huey helicopter was 1 of only 4 specially produced “SOTAS” (Stand Off Target Acquisition System) helicopters with a retractable landing gear, long range radar and air-to-ground data telemetry. She flew along the Eastern European border with Russia to map their over the horizon military units and also flew along the North and South Korean border to locate North Korean military units.
She was stationed at Ft. Meade Maryland on Set. 11, 2001 and flew rescue missions at the Pentagon, she has hours and hours in her logbooks about getting people out and safe.
This helicopter is named “Kathi”, in memory of Kathi Free, our long serving CFF Business Manager, but most importantly, “our Mom”, to the many veterans and volunteers who she inspired. “Kathi” will support the Foundations education programs.
57 N800Z (Caroline) T34-B . Used in the 50’s and 60’s as Navy Flight Trainer. In the 70’s was transferred to the North Carolina Forestry Division as a Fire Spotter. Finally, in 2017, CFF acquired this historical plane and immediately began cosmetic restoration and mechanical overhaul with original markings when she was a Navy Flight Trainer. She debuted at the Beaufort MCAS Airshow in May of 2018. She is named in honor of a CFF Lifetime members daughter who lost a long hard battle with cancer.
1988 - M1097 HMMWV currently for local use only.
79-23211 AH-1, Helicopter, Attack, Cobra . Desert Storm. Future work in progress.